Friday, April 8, 2011

Sharing 2

How Shaytan life is about????

- Shaytan will eat and drink with those people who did not say/mention Bismillah when, do you want Shaytan eat together with you or share your foods???What is u are waiting for, recite BismillALLAH before you eat&drink........

1) Toilet......opps........
- therefore we need to pray to ALLAH before enter to the toilet,
"Ya ALLAH, please protect me from the female/male shaytan evils disturbance"
- after went out from the toilet,
"Thank You, ALLAH for giving me relief and released my pains" u know that??? Shaytan will put/place back the dirty@our things back at OUR HEAD when we enter toilet without recitong the doa (pray) above?????? No wonder why we are so easily cheated by Shaytan tricks & follow Shaytan steps...........think about it and start to recite the doa (pray) from NOW !!!!!!!!!!

2)Markets/shopping complex...........
- the place where easily Shaytan target humans to defeat or cheat them.....
-Before enter it, recite
"Ya ALLAH, I pray to You for the protection of every evils inside it and also for evey goodnesses inside it"

How Shaytan Attacks/Tricks human??????
- Stomach which is FULL......
- Heart/liver (hati) that doesn't remember ALLAH@recite ZikrullALLAH.......
- from our greediness toward property/money ( this is the biggest and most effective trick used by Shaytan)....therefore let it be little but blessed by ALLAH rather than a lot but doesn't have ALLAH blessings inside it........
- From our hateness or dengki toward others except in 2 matters which are
i) Someone given by ALLAH property and spend it for ALLAH ways....
ii) Someone given knowledge by ALLAH and give an opinion based on it also teach others about it........

Sharing 1

Everyday I wake up.....
Everyday I speak.....
Everyday I look around..........
Everyday I walk.......
Everyday I see .......
Everyday.........every moment..........every second.......
Those everyday and everything belong to Al-Mighty ALLAH......
ALLAH give me so much happiness and greatness........
Life in this world is a test only......everything looks delightful@facinating is just a dusts in our eye where Shaytan had covered us with such a matter........this world is a Prisons for the believers.......the real happiness and life is only at the life in hereafter only...........
Believe it or not, every second or moment the Izrail angel will come and visit us for a while and while at that time we probably eating/laughing/chatting/watch a movie & busy with other worlds activity................
ALLAH likes those who pray earlier time and there is one of the 5 times praying time, ALLAH keep secret for his slaves..............ALLAH likes those who besides compulsory prayers also perform sunat prayers...........

Do you know???The Sunat prayers which ALLAH like...
a) 2 rakaat before Subuh....
b)2 rakaat Dhuha (probably it starts at 7.50am/8am until noon)
c)2 rakaat before zohor
d)2 rakaat after zohor
e)2 rakaat before Asar
f) 2 rakaat before perform maghrib
g)2 rakaat after Maghrib
h)2 rakaat before Isyak
i) 2 rakaat after Isyak....

What is the most/best practice liked by ALLAH ?????
-small deeds but continously done.....

So sad and awful if a day is let passed without reciting even one phrase of Al-Quran......
InsyaALLAH Al-Quran will became defender for those who recite it at the day of the judgement.........

Friday, March 11, 2011

Mengenali Diri

Kehidupan adalah satu rahsia ALLAH........
Sukar di erti oleh manusia.....
Kadang2x kita merancang sesuatu ttp ingatlah bhw ALLAH Maha Perancang........
ALLAH sdh mengatur hdp kita ttp jgn lupa utk Berdoa dan terus Berdoa......